Static-levitation racing has become the most popular — and dangerous — sport of the future. Down-on-his-luck former front-runner Hugo Broyler is about to find out just how dangerous it can be on and off the track when he takes a transportation gig from a local crimelord. To complicate matters, he suddenly finds himself haunted by the ghost of a former racing rival. Either that, or he’s going crazy.This volume includes the first full story arc from the hit online series, along with rules for a complete role-playing system set within the world of Static Levitation racing, filled with sci-fi world details and concept illustrations from a wealth of top artists from around the world.
Written by Mike KennedyIllustrated by Francisco Paronzini and Lucas Marangon, with additional illustrations by Rafael Albuquerque, Leandro Fernandez, Marcelo Frusin, Renato Guedes, Daniel Warren Johnson, Francisco Ruiz Velasco, Matteo De Longis, Bryndon Everett, Djet, Zach Howard, Michael O’Hare, and more! Cover by Eduardo Risso
Don't Just Sit There. Get Your Copy Today!
Featuring character designs, concept art, and graphic illustrations from some of the most talented artists working in comics today, this Hugo Broyler graphic novel from Magnetic Press is a must-read sci-fi adventure. So why wait? Order your copy today and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!Includes 56-page Tabletop RPG gameplay section!
Once you’ve witnessed the high-speed intrigue and have been introduced to the major players in this near-future world of SVL racing, it’s time for you to take the controls and blaze your own celebrity career. Enter the World League and compete with friends in a tabletop RPG experience that puts you in a turn-based race for fame and fortune… or a fiery grave.The steps are simple, and the rules are streamlined for easy setup and speedy gameplay. You can play with little more than paper, pencil, and three 6-sided die, or you can go all out with printable hex-shaped track tiles and car markers. The only limit is your imagination, and you’re encouraged to bring as much of that as you can to the game.